The one-and-only rapid point-of-care test that can detect MMP-9
InflammaDry detects elevated levels of MMP-9, a Key Inflammatory biomarker for ocular surface disease.
Complete results in as fast as 10 minutes.
Disposable test, requires just 4 easy steps.
No additional equipment needed to interpret.
Watch Dr. Beck explain the advantages of testing inflammation in the Dry Eye Diagnosis process:
An optimal treatment pathway for Dry Eye disease.
InflammaDry is the only rapid, in-office CLIA-waived test that detects elevated levels of MMP-9 an inflammatory marker that is consistently elevated in the tears of patients with dry eye disease. InflammaDry accurately identifies patients with oracular surface disease allowing for an optimal treatment pathway.
- CLIA Waved
- Results in minutes
- 4 Simple steps
- Minimally Invasive
- Requires no special equipment
Clinical benefits
Pre/post-surgical outcomes are improved by identifying and treating patients with dry eye.
Reduce post-surgical complications, such as corneal wound healing, by identifying dry eye prior to surgery.
Therapeutic treatment of dry eye improves patient quality of life.